import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import PostCard from './PostCard/PostCard'; import NewThreadCard from './PostCard/NewThreadCard'; import { getPow } from '../utils/mine'; import { relayInit, Event } from 'nostr-tools'; import { subGlobalFeed, simpleSub24hFeed } from '../utils/subscriptions'; import { uniqBy } from '../utils/utils'; const relay = relayInit('wss://'); type EventRelayMap = { [eventId: string]: string[]; }; const eventRelayMap: EventRelayMap = {}; // eventId: [relay1, relay2] const Home = () => { const [events, setEvents] = useState([]); // Initialize state // Define your callback function for subGlobalFeed const onEvent = (event: Event, relay: string) => { setEvents((prevEvents) => [...prevEvents, event]); console.log(; }; useEffect(() => { // Subscribe to global feed when the component mounts subGlobalFeed(onEvent); // Optionally, return a cleanup function to unsubscribe when the component unmounts return () => { // Your cleanup code here }; }, []); // Empty dependency array means this useEffect runs once when the component mounts const uniqEvents = events.length > 0 ? uniqBy(events, "id") : []; // const filteredEvents = uniqEvents.filter(event => getPow( > 5); const sortedEvents = uniqEvents.sort((a, b) => (b.created_at as any) - (a.created_at as any)); return ( <>
{sortedEvents.sort((a, b) => b.created_at - a.created_at).map((event, index) => ( ))}
*/} ); }; export default Home;